Training on The World Bank Procurement Framework (Latest Version)
Public Procurement Professional Association of India (PPPAI) was set up during 2020 with the active involvement of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), UN Agencies, and other stakeholders. The main purpose of PPPAI is to contribute to the professionalization of public procurement. As part of this mandate, PPPAI in partnership with ISM-INDIA is organizing a 2-weeks online training program on “Procurement Framework for The World Bank Aided Projects”. This is being conducted with technical support from the World Bank.
The Procurement Framework aims to focus on the end-to-end procurement cycle, including strategic planning, appropriate procurement approaches/selections, evaluation criteria, contract award, and contract management. This training is aimed at implementing agencies of the World Bank-financed Projects in India and other countries. This may also be relevant for the private sector (Contractors, Suppliers, and Consultants) interested in World Bank-financed projects.
The World Bank Procurement Framework maximizes the strategic role of procurement in achieving development effectiveness goals.
Training Duration
10 Days – From 9 to 20 January 2023 (Excluding Saturday & Sunday).
Training Fee
INR 35000* + 18% GST (INR 41300/-) for Indians. USD $ 500* for Foreigners.
The program will be led by the CEO of ISM-INDIA (Ex-Director Procurement & Chairperson, Advisory Committee of the UN organization, New York), Guest faculty from the World Bank, and other external experts.
Training Mode:
The Training program will be conducted online through the Zoom platform.
Addional Information
You are welcome to contact us at +91 99 711 71220 or contact@ism-india.org for any additional information.