(Institute for Procurement & Supply Chain Management)
Leading Institute for procurement & supply chain management certifications.
IPSCM-INDIA offers many global certifications in the field of Procurement & Supply Chain for Public and private organisations.
IPSCM-INDIA brings the best supply chain solutions to the clients. We work under different areas including Inventory Management, Transportation, Warehousing, Procurement and more.
Training & Development
IPSCM-INDIA’s focus is on global corporate’s training in the field of SCM. We train your supply chain professionals in line with your business challenges & strategy.
IPSCM is...
A Professional Institute
We are the largest professional body serving procurement and supply, A non-for profit organisation that exists for the public good.
An Awarding Body
A Membership Association
We have the largest membership of procurement and supply professionals covering a wide range of sectors. For public procurement professionals, we have launched PPPAI.
A Commercial Organisation
A Global Supply Chain Network
We have a community of over 20,000 Global Procurement and Supply Chain Professional, all part of IPSCM network, connected across various social media platforms!

IPSCM works very closely with ITC, Geneva (A UN Organization) and The World Bank in providing leading training and professional certification in Supply Chain Management (SCM).
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